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Organisations supported by TNET to date

The following organisations have been supported by The New Evangelisation Trust. For further information please contact the organisations themselves directly by following the link to their website. The New Evangelisation Trust also provides scholarships and grants to individual missionaries on a case by case basis.



Alpha Ireland

Alpha Ireland’s objective is to promote the Alpha Course enabling the local church to reach out with the gospel to the local community. The Alpha Course is a basic introduction to Christianity involving over 24 million people to date. Some 66,000 courses are run in 113 languages in 169 countries worldwide and many people have found a living faith in Jesus through this anointed course.





Apostles of Love

A providential association of Catholic lay faithful and clergy in the Diocese of Armagh who manage the Oasis of Peace Centre, a centre for prayer, teaching, healing and pastoral care.  The Oasis of Peace Centre is a place of welcome where it is hoped all visitors will encounter a reflection of God’s love, joy, hope, peace, support and compassion, where a free loving cuppa, chat and listening ear is available.





Apostolate for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration

Promotion of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration





Aquinas Institute of Ireland

Aquinas Institute Summer School





Armagh Diocesan Youth Commission

Young Adult Catholic Support Forum
ADYC was set up in 2005 by the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Armagh. The aim of the organisation is to provide activities, events and programmes for young people, both at diocesan and parish level. The objective of ADYC is to inspire young people to grow in confidence, self-esteem and faith.





Association of Catholic Teachers

ACT is a voluntary group of Catholic primary school teachers who wish to support other teachers in Ireland in the faith formation of the pupils in their school. They also endeavour to support teachers in their own faith journey. In order to accomplish these goals they send a free monthly Email Bulletin of religion resources to teachers for use in their classroom plus an article to support the teacher's own faith journey.





Called to More

Called to More is a crowdfunded, not-for-profit media apostolate. We create videos, podcasts, and articles for Catholics to deepen their relationship with Christ and his Church.






CAST Ministries

CAST is a response to the urgent need to inspire, train and mentor young people to become intentional learners and motivated leaders.  Our vision is to seize every opportunity to foster hope and nurture life - releasing young people to fulfil their full potential.


We've got passion, energy and commitment!!! We edcuate, train and mentor young people and leaders through creative and challenging personal, social and faith development programmes.  We work in schools, churches and community groups throughout the country and across Europe.




Catholic Grandparents Association

The Catholic Grandparents Association grew out of Grandparents Pilgrimages, where thousands of grandparents gathered in recent years, united by the same goal to do the very best for their children and grandchildren. Grandparents’ vital contribution to the family, the Church and society was never as important as now. At the heart of the Catholic Grandparents Association is the firm belief that this is our duty, our responsibility, our vocation, and we must do what we can.





Communion and Liberation

'Through the Eyes of the Apostles - A Presence that Overwhelms Life'





Derry Diocese Catechetical Centre

Catechesis & Evangelisation through the JPII Award and 'Dead Theologians Society' for Parishes





Evangelium Ireland

Spreading the richness of the Catholic faith


The main activity of the Evangelium project is to run an annual conference, each summer for ages 18-35, bringing together excellent speakers from inside and outside the Irish Catholic church, showcasing the breadth and depth of the wisdom and beauty of our Catholic faith, in order to support young adults to grow in wisdom and understanding. We are dedicated to building a foundation to spread the Good News to all, Evangelium hopes to galvanize the faithful and once again to reignite the missionary zeal Ireland was once renowned for.






Faith on Fire

The FIRE project offers a framework for parish adult faith education tailored to meet the pastoral and financial needs of each parish, and crucially, also offers the support personnel (catechists, coordination, administration, training etc) to implement it. Using existing catechetical resources, the Fire Project will develop a faith formation framework for client parishes, based around the liturgical year and strongly utilising existing times of gathering / engagement (sacramental preparation, Easter, Christmas, Ash Wednesday, funerals, ministry leaders etc) to provide and grow a vibrant faith education for Catholic faithful, mindful of the real life context and characteristics of the Catholic faith in Ireland at the present time. 





Fore Deanery

First Confession / First Communion Programme





Friends of Cenacolo

An organisation which provides a free, fully residential programme to help people suffering from addiction to change their lives.







FOCUS Missionaries (Irish missionaries working with FOCUS)

The Fellowship of Catholic University Students is a Catholic collegiate outreach whose mission is to share the hope and joy of the gospel with college and university students, inspiring and equipping them for a lifetime of Christ-centered evangelization, discipleship and friendships in which they lead others to do the same.






Holy Trinity Atrium

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd


Catechesis of the Good Shepherd uses Montessori teaching principles to present the most essential realities of the Catholic faith to even very young children.  Specially designed materials and inspiring presentations help children explore areas of faith formation appropriate to their developmental age, such as:

  • The Life of Christ

  • The Wonder of the Kingdom of God

  • The Plan of God/History of the Kingdom of God

  • Sacraments

  • Moral Formation through Parables, Virtues, Maxims, and Service

  • The Holy Bible, including Old and New Testament Studies


The outcome is a profoundly personal and joyful expression of faith, unique to each child’s relationship with God. 







Holy Family Mission

Holy Family Mission is a residential Catholic community of young people aged 18-30, which draws from the wonderful tradition of our Catholic faith to form young people, and families, to live their Christian vocation as Disciples of Jesus Christ in the world.


Ms Maura Garrihy-Murphy





‘Hope’ Summer Camp

The acronym HOPE stands for Help Our Parish Evolve. The ethos of HOPE is summarised in the HOPE slogan, Faith - Fun - Friendship. HOPE aims to reinvigorate the faith lives of the youth of the parish. Primarily this is done through daily faith formation activities but also through healthy social interactions in Sport, Art, team Building etc.





Irish School of Evangelisation

Retreats/ Seminars / Outreaches 






The Kerygma Group

Forming men as witnesses for the faith. 






Living Church

The Living Church office has a wide range of remits that fall under the 5 themes of the Down & Connor Diocesan Pastoral Plan.  Current activities of the Living Church office include;

·      Supporting Pastoral Councils

·      Ministry of Welcome 

·      Faith & Life Convention 

·      Faith Development 

·      Communication





Living Water

Living Water Prayer Group is a group of committed young Catholics with a desire for evangelisation of the young, initially in our own peer groups, but now for Dublin and beyond. Our vision, discerned in 2015, is “To lead young people to encounter Christ in the Power of the Holy Spirit, become Saints together and set this nation on fire”.





NET Ministries

Youth leader training and school retreats 
The mission of NET Ministries of Ireland is to encourage young people to love Jesus and embrace the life of the Church! We do this through retreat and parish ministry across the country of Ireland. Every year we invite young missionaries between the ages of 18 and 30 to volunteer a year of their lives to serving Christ by proclaiming His Gospel to young people in a relational, peer-to-peer setting based on personal testimony, building relationships, and creative means of evangelisation while in every instance holding fast and firm to the teachings of the Catholic Church and the guidance of our Holy Father Pope Francis. 





Nightfever Dublin

Nightfever is a church open night of prayer and Eucharistic Adoration. It involves the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in a church while teams of young volunteers go to the streets outside to invite people to come in and light a candle, enjoy the beautiful music, experience Christian fellowship and be in the presence of the Lord.





Pure in Heart

Mission Team to young adults  
Pure in Heart offers an engaging and balanced presentation to adolescents that promotes a healthy attitude towards love and relationships. Our primary aim is to encourage young people to become the best version of themselves by promoting their self-worth, a positive self-image, and provide the necessary skills to build lasting relationships. We have spoken to over 125,000 young people to date and further groups have since been established in England, Wales, Haiti, US, Kenya and Liberia.




Queen's University, Belfast: Catholic Chaplaincy

A community of faith and friendship at the heart of campus.






Spirit Radio

Christian Radio Broadcasting




St Columba's Church

Living your journey





St Peter & St Paul's Parish, Cork City

New Evangelisation Music Rooms: Participation in the New Evangelisation through Sacred Music. 




St Saviour’s Dominican Church, Limerick

Saint Saviour's Dominican Church is a diocesan parish grounded in the Dominican heritage of prayer, preaching, and love for Truth. Under the protection of Our Lady of Limerick, gathered as the Body of Christ, we celebrate Our Lord in the sacraments and Sacred Scripture, serve Him in our sisters and brothers, and journey through Him and with Him to the Father.






Stella Maris School

As an independent, classical primary school, devoted to providing an excellent and authentic Catholic education, we aim at helping children to grow into virtuous and wise people who serve God, their families and their communities.






Tine Network

We are a network of Catholic leaders.  Our aim is to promote Catholic evangelisation in Ireland by offering training, education and envisioning to leaders in dioceses, parishes, communities and ministries, and to organise and develop creative initiatives in evangelisation. 




Thrive Ireland

Thrive Ireland seeks to empower Christians to live out their faith modelling Jesus's servant leadership, honesty and integrity. From Global to Local - Building Partnership. Equipping churches in Ireland for transformation through leadership and community development, using the lens of global learning.






UCD Chaplaincy

St. Stephen’s Chaplaincy Centre at UCD welcomes all students who wish to explore, nurture or celebrate faith and spirituality. It hosts a variety of student society and faith-based events and its facilities include a function room, a contemplation room, a small library and a private room for pastoral care.





Youth Initiatives

The Well 
Youth Initiatives is a cross-community youthwork organisation which aims to awaken hope, inspire initiative and mobilize youth to make a vital contribution to their community and to reconciliation in Northern Ireland, through the discovery and renewal of Christian faith in daily life. We run outreach focused youthwork in areas of social and economic deprivation in West & East Belfast, Downpatrick, Banbridge, and L’Derry. Through our work we aim to: empower young people to realize their contribution to society, encourage cross-community co-operation and understanding, equip youth leaders for effective youth work, be an instrument for spiritual renewal among young people. Youth Initiatives exists to reach out to social need young people and connect them to a positive relational environment where they can grow in faith and life skills, serve others, and honour God with their lives. 




Youth 2000

Youth 2000 is a Catholic youth organisation that organises lively faith festivals, retreats, prayer groups and other events for young people aged 16-35 across the island of Ireland. Their motto is: ‘youth leading youth to the heart of the Church.’ 


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